Entry By : Eric
Country: New Zealand
Subject: Fox Has Landed!
Date: December 27 , 2005

After sleeping on the side of the road north of Auckland for a few hours, we drove through Auckland and south to the airport. After getting lost once, and thinking we might be late, we finally got to the airport just a few minutes before Scott walked out of the Customs and Immigration area. It was quite a sight! Scott just flew for 18 hours or so, we had just woke up and were a bit frazzled, but it was so great to see a familiar face so far from home, it was amazing.

We headed for the 'car park' (kiwi speak for a parking lot) to introduce Scott to Culli, our home on wheels. Scott had brought us presents from home. For those who know us well, let me just say there were two green rectangular boxes with hand blown glass bottles inside, along with 9 of my favorite Belgian beers. Life's good!

We spent the day in Auckland visiting the Auckland Museum before heading south towards Waitomo. We have a very exciting day planned for Scott tomorrow. He doesn't know it yet but he is going to be repelling into a deep cave, then traveling via cable over an underground canyon before hiking a mile underground and climbing through vertical waterfalls to get out of there. All in a day's work here in thrill-ville:)

I'll try and get some photos, so check the next posting.

Eric & Val



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